Sunday, 27 May 2012

Teenage love : what to do when you like someone

So the is that boy at school you can't get your eyes off! or there's that girl that makes you see butterflies and you just don't know what to do!! Well there a lot of things here are three most basic options.

You can just say it straight in their face. "dude i like you". If it turn out that they don't feel the same way then MOVE ON!!! I know it seems like the hardest thing in the world but what's the point?? In life we just have to experiment a little now and then and sometimes the experiment fails. SO WHAT?? You can't get off the runway if you don't start your engines in any case!!

Tell someone who talks a lot. They will tell someone else who will tell some other person and it will eventually lead to him/her. If he/she likes you they will find a way to tell you some how some where unless they are really shy but chances of that very low. If they don't find a way to tell you or do something about it MOVE ON!!

Live life with never finding out if they likeed you or not. I know it sounds stupid so don't do it!! If your to scared to tell them in person LETTER, FACEBOOK MESSAGE, TWITTER, SMS or whatever!! you can't live a life of what if's.

You can try to do things that make it really obvious for him/her. For example sit next to him/her in class, let him/her  cut in front of you in a line just don't give up hopefully they'll get the message soon enough.

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